Cannabis has a relationship with humans for thousands of years! Here is a brief overview:

Around 12,000 years ago, humans in central Asia used cannabis. As they traveled and migrated, they brought it with them. Initially, it was used for its seeds and rope-making, and eventually for its psychoactive properties. Interestingly, the spread of cannabis cultivation is evident in words used globally. For example, English hemp, German Hanf, Latin Cannabis, Italian canapa, Russian konoplja, Arabic qunnab. In the 1800s cannabis was introduced to Europe. In 1964, Mechoulam and Gaoni identified the molecular structure of THC. Mechoulam then further researched the human’s Endocannabinoid System. 

People realized the many beneficial properties of cannabis and used it for many reasons. However, in recent history, there have been many restrictions and negative stigma attached to its use. In 1937, the Marihuana Tax Act placed a tax on the sale of cannabis. In 1961, the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs put cannabis in a restricted category, along with heroin. In the United States, in 1970, it was declared a Schedule 1 drug. 

Restrictions have been challenged and now many states have legalized hemp and Delta 9 THC for medical and recreational purposes. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized anything extracted from hemp - hence the reason Hemp Haven Farms, LLC, has federally legal Delta 9 THC in some of our products. 

We have observed the slow but sure reversal of the negative reputation attached to cannabis, as people have discovered its numerous uses with positive results. It is always our pleasure to help our customers learn about cannabis in general, and about our solventless products in particular!

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